The last message from a fan was in 2012. Most are using
our facebook page now for comments. So message submission has been
turned off, but the guestbook remains for your perusal. Enjoy the
historical records. |
Name: Holly City: What's it to you? Sent: Wed October 30 2002 03:55 PM Yes, perhaps, but in your case, it's the "D'oh! of Steve," not the "Tao of Steve." (Okay, it's a verbal's late, I'm packing, and I'm tired, but still needy and desiring attention) Name: Steve Denton Sent: Wed October 30 2002 11:49 AM I am ALWAYS the "Steve" in question dammit! Remember it is always about me. Even when you think it's about you, it's still about me. Name: Ste. . . er . . . um . . . tragos City: closer than you think . . . Sent: Wed October 30 2002 08:01 AM :::sweating::: Name: Tom Ridge City: Washington DC Sent: Wed October 30 2002 05:36 AM This will serve to notify the webmaster of this page that this site has been identified by the Department of Homeland Security as a potential site of terrorist activity, in particular toward "Steves." Please note that all further communications posted to this location will be immediately seized and forwarded to the Central Intelligence Agency for investigation. Further, as a purely precautionary measure, all persons with the name of Steve, Steven, Stephen, Stefan, and Stephanie/y/i shall report immediately report to the nearest National Guard Armory for detention and protective custody. Name: Holly City: obviously not Knoxville Sent: Wed October 30 2002 05:32 AM I'm sorry...I must go kill myself now. Name: Evelyn M. Green Homepage: City: Knoxville (a very exciting place to live Sent: Wed October 30 2002 04:13 AM I'm obviously out of the "guestbook loop" but since I have no time to find out about Steve and bylaws or who Holly is I shall just leave one of those generic messages signature of someone who doesn't know what the heck is going on. It is great to have E.S. (See the use of the an abreviation? That makes me feel cool...) in Knoxville. It makes me happy to laugh, and E.S. lets me laugh. So to make a long useless message shorter, just wanted to give a thanks to the crew for letting me laugh. Name: Holly the Steve Slayer City: Sunnyvale Sent: Tue October 29 2002 02:34 PM Who said you were the Steve in question? There is more than one Steve deserving of my vengence. But hey, if I gotta kill ya, sorry man. Blame Paul and Bill, they're the ones who ordered by laws off the internet. Name: Steve Denton Sent: Tue October 29 2002 11:02 AM Headstart? I don't need any stinking headstart. Name: ES tome keeper Sent: Tue October 29 2002 10:35 AM A reading from the book of bylaws, Chapter 7, verses 7 -12 (7) And it shall come to pass that a member that hath left the fold shall desire to return. And upon the statement of the desire there shall be met upon them a requirement of availability. (8) For they shall be required to dole out a judgement harsh and permanent on a member whose name shall be determined by distance from the site of performance in the extreme. And so noting the member the returning pledge shall track and remove from presence the personage of the chosen one. (9) No quarter shall be given to the pursued by the non-pursued and none shall admit to knowledge of the pending act. (10) It shall be required of the pursuer to notify the pursued 48 hours prior to the commencement of the returning ritual. Once notification has been served then the pursuer has one fortnight to beget unto the pursued a viscious smacking causing one mortal coil to be most duly shuffled off. (11) Hence the shuffling occuring the pursuer shall then take the rightful place of membership in the group and enjoinder respect from all. (12) Lest the pursuer fail in the duties prescribed by these bylaws, then the pursuee shall foist upon the pursuer a vengeance of choice whilst being witnessed by a quorum of current members not involved in the chase. Here endeth the reading... Name: Holly City: elsewhere Sent: Tue October 29 2002 07:59 AM I can't's in the bylaws. Number of entries: 854 Thank you for reading our guestbook. We hope you enjoyed the historical records. |