The last message from a fan was in 2012. Most are using
our facebook page now for comments. So message submission has been
turned off, but the guestbook remains for your perusal. Enjoy the
historical records. |
Name: bruno fassenbinder City: zurich Sent: Tue May 28 2002 07:43 AM i love steiners...of course i'll be at the audition with bells on. Name: Big Bod Homepage: Sent: Mon May 27 2002 04:14 AM Wes is right...we need to get back to the real issue at hand.. What is the secret identity of Big Bod???? Name: wes Sent: Sun May 26 2002 05:10 PM and don't hide behind the anonymity... who are you? Name: wes Sent: Sun May 26 2002 05:04 PM it has died... move on Name: Tom (Mad Hatter) Quaranto Sent: Sun May 26 2002 09:46 AM I just want to send my best wishes and wish good luck to my improv classmates who will be auditioning June 1. I'm sure it will be hard to chose between so many talented people. as they say in the theater Break a leg. Name: Sent: Sun May 26 2002 07:29 AM Dear lord The Tom guy was joking not being insulting. If he was rude so were they. You think this could all just die and go away. Let the world know when Wes ever gets funny. Name: Wes Sent: Fri May 24 2002 08:52 AM Dark Lord of the Improv... I like it. Although I would have thought that I beared more likeness to Chewbacca. Ya know, big, hairy, smelly, growls alot... Stay tuned for Episode II: Attack of the Gnomes/Steve Steve Strikes Back Wes "That's Mr. Vader To You" Vader Name: Big Bod Sent: Fri May 24 2002 07:25 AM Not So Long Ago, On A Message Board In New Jersey... IMPROV WARS EPISODE 1 WES GETS PI**ED There is unrest on the ES guest book, some guy named Tom insulted another group in New Jersey. Now Tom, pursed by the really, really ticked off Wes Vader (Dark Lord of the Improv) tries to use bad jokes to bring wonder and merriment back to the Guestbook... Name: Sent: Sun May 19 2002 07:01 AM Another smile: I Name: Some girl Sent: Sun May 19 2002 04:54 AM I was reading this Guestbook and also New Jersey's I think this is all a little over the top. To bad people can get so carried away on both sides. Makes me not want to even go back to the show, as I see the true colors of some of the performers. Its all very Oprah isnt?? Number of entries: 854 Thank you for reading our guestbook. We hope you enjoyed the historical records. |