Einstein Simplified
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The last message from a fan was in 2012. Most are using our facebook page now for comments. So message submission has been turned off, but the guestbook remains for your perusal. Enjoy the historical records.

Name: The Monkees
City: The 60's
Sent: Mon March 18 2002 02:38 PM

Hey hey we're the monkees! We'd love to be the mystery emcees! But we're to busy singin', to em--cee the show!

Name: The Snorks
City: Under da Sea
Sent: Mon March 18 2002 02:35 PM

What about us? We want to be the mystery emcees also!

Name: Smurfette
City: Actually, a mushroom house
Sent: Mon March 18 2002 02:34 PM

Maybe I am the mystery emcee!?! La la lalalala la la la la la la la lalalalala la lalala la!

Name: Mr. Donald Key
City: dulach county
Sent: Thu March 14 2002 04:34 AM

i'm all alooone there's nobody here beside me cause you gotta have friends???

Name: Jenn and Tom
City: C-town
Sent: Tue March 12 2002 05:00 PM

how about a rub on the stomach too? (but not from bill) (or steve)

Name: WebMaster
Homepage: http://www.EinsteinSimplified.com
City: K-Ville
Sent: Tue March 12 2002 11:23 AM

The message has been replaced. Updating the news caused that message to be cut. Oops, message back. New picture needed. Attentive fans get pat on head. ESW (Einstein Simplified Webmaster)

Name: Jenn and Tom
City: K-town
Sent: Tue March 12 2002 09:53 AM

Hey since we always check the updates looking for pictures or just any cool news about the Steiners, we noticed that for some reason one message was missing. In fact it is the top message. Does this mean that Wes doesn't have to reshoot the main photo again? See ya tonight

Name: someone
City: the other side of the wall
Sent: Tue March 12 2002 04:45 AM

well i guess nobody else is out there... ???? ... thank you mr webmaster man p.s. TEAR DOWN THE WALL.... TEAR DOWN THE WALL.... TEAR DOWN THE WALL....

Name: someone
City: the other side of the wall
Sent: Sun March 10 2002 05:56 AM

hello? is anyone else out there??

Name: someone
City: the other side of the wall
Sent: Sat March 09 2002 06:35 PM

what the hell???? somebody is in trouble...

Number of entries: 854

Thank you for reading our guestbook. We hope you enjoyed the historical records.

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